SIBL Community Interest Company works internationally with CEOs and leaders to meet life’s complex challenges and opportunities through increased collaboration, leadership awareness and business skills.

The emerging environment demands new leadership

“The Covid-19 crisis has redefined what good leadership looks like. It is making demands of CEOs that few people could have imagined.”  Bill Thomas Global Chairman & CEO of KPMG – CEO Outlook 2020

The world is currently living in unprecedented times, including the economic and social impact of Putin’s war in Ukraine, requiring new styles of leadership with the agility to adapt.  What has brought you this far is unlikely to achieve future business and community goals.

Fragile World

For Leaders Whose Aspirations Stretch Beyond Material Success

The organisations which thrive will have leaders who embrace the new emerging opportunities by being committed to take time out to work on their business in collaboration with their peers rather than simply running on the internal treadmill.

They are focused on the importance of talent to grow future business; SIBL can deliver your talent management programme and CPD for you. It all starts with the basic questions posed in the video.

As a catalyst SIBL offers the alchemy of peer group collaboration supported by short post-MBA courses in performance improvement. “The greater the diversity in the room – the greater the learning.”

Investing space, time and stimulation in SIBL CIC yields a rich return and source of new ideas. Your life will be easier with increased wellbeing knowing that both you and your team are on top of your game. 

Creating a space to work on your business

SIBL CIC - International Membership

What is SIBL?

SIBL is a Community Interest Company providing a bespoke total support service for CEOs and executives seeking business, leadership and personal development.

We provide a pathway to enhancing awareness of conscious leadership which epitomises the leader of the future.

We deliver specialist CEO groups and also courses for your team’s development.

Conscious Leadership

“Conscious leaders make a difference by deciding to serve their teams and communities and by investing in their employees growth.”

They develop increased awareness of themselves and others in rapidly changing environments. They have the agility to make astute decisions quickly in relation to new business opportunities that benefit their organisation, its connections, and society. They don’t leave their humanity at the door.

Members' Services

  • Two monthly post-MBA performance improvement sessions
    – Speaker led experiential workshop
    – Real-time opportunities & issues development/solutions
  • Team building & engagement
  • One to one coaching
  • Outplacement services
  • A confidential 24/7 support line
  • Monthly research bulletin

Our Values

Water of Life
Creativity 2
We take being on the path to conscious leadership seriously and make time for fun on the way

What SIBL stands for in the marketplace is a mirror reflection of the internal behavioural values or standards as determined by the members.  So at the corporate or brand level they are Compassion, Authenticity, Creativity (unorthodoxy), Passion and Fun. The foundations for these are Diversity, Courage, Integrity, Openness and Trust. We work across the business, charity and public sectors. We worked with the Police for twelve years and more recently with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

(Photography by

What the Papers say

Sunday Times


In a leading article in The Sunday Times SIBL is considered to be in the top two in the UK in its cutting edge leadership field (that doesn’t mean to say that we are not number one).

Scotland on Sunday – covered an event which world-famous author, thought leader and international speaker Neale Donald Walsh spoke to the membership on the theme of “Success in Recession”.

New drive to boost success of SMEs was the subject of an article in The Scotsman – our chairman Drew Pryde quoted “The collective knowledge of our members is immense and the opportunity to share it is priceless. We may only have a small voice, but we have some very important things to say”

Are you a match?

We respect your interest and freely recognise that your time (and ours) is precious. In welcoming hearing from you, the following guidelines are intended to assist you before you decide that it is worth your while contacting us.


SIBL is a long-established learning Institute, founded for educational and societal purposes. Our members are learning type CEOs, Directors and senior executives only.

Our members seek to improve their performance and capabilities through accessing our business, professional and personal development and support programmes. These are geared primarily but not exclusively to SMEs both national and international.

As a NOT- FOR-PROFIT PRIVATELY FUNDED SUPPORT ORGANISATION. Our purpose is to advance wellbeing in organisations, individuals and society and communities within a world-wide perspective.  

As an independent Institute, we offer a bespoke approach to meeting members’ development needs – so you won’t be pigeonholed into standard training fund providers’ offers to achieve “tick the boxes” targets or political aims and objectives.


We are NOT A FIRM OF COMMERCIAL CONSULTANTS or TRAINERS. Within itself SIBL is not driven by profits or shareholders’ value’ agendas. SIBL is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) run entirely by volunteers with any surpluses being required by regulation to be donated to a leading Scottish mental health charity.

SIBL IS NOT for prospecting business owners or salespeople. So that CEO members are not hassled by prospectors we are clearly NOT a NETWORKING organisation.   Obviously, there is an element of networking with our members and sponsors, but it is a by-product and comes only with trust over time.

We offer a continuous series of short drip-feed courses and programmes based on our members’ needs. We are NOT an events company looking to sell you our next one-off event .

As leaders by definition tend to have followers it is highly unlikely that a one-man business will have the need for our courses nor the revenues to sponsor us.